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Cats Effect syntax for logging

Getting started

Library is available for Scala 2.11, 2.12, 2.13.

Add it with:

libraryDependencies += "io.scalaland" %% "log4effect" % log4EffectVersion


General mechanism

Logging is done using Logged type class:

import cats.effect.Sync
import io.scalaland.log4effect.Logged

def operation[F[_]: Sync: Logged] = for {
  a <- Sync[F].defer(1 + 1)
  b <- Sync[F].defer(2 + 2)
  _ <- Logged[F].info(s"a = $a b=$b")
} yield a -> b

If you want you can use interpolator syntax - it assumes that there is cats.Show instance for any value that you use in it.

import cats.implicits._
import io.scalaland.log4effect.Logged
import io.scalaland.log4effect.syntax._

val i = 1
val d = 1.0
val s = "test"

def logs[F[_]: Monad: Logged] = for {
  _ <- trace"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- trace"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
  _ <- debug"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- debug"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
  _ <- info"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- info"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
  _ <- warn"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- warn"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
  _ <- error"$i $d $s"[F]
  _ <- error"$i $d $s".withEx[F](new Exception("with ex"))
} yield ()

If there is no cats.Show you'd have to call .toString explicitly.